Video Marketing Examples

Aug 4, 2022 1:57:29 PM | Video Marketing

5 Video Marketing Examples from Companies doing it Right


Have you ever wondered how some businesses have been able to maximize their online presence by creating successful video marketing campaigns? Videos are a great way to engage and reach out to an audience, but it requires the right strategy and content.

Video marketing has become a staple in today’s social media landscape. With platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, TikTok, and others dominating the field, creating an effective video campaign has grown even more challenging. It’s not enough to simply upload videos; you need to make sure that your videos are capturing the attention of potential customers across multiple platforms.

To help you get started on your own video marketing journey, there are 5 examples of companies doing it right. We will showcase how these brands have created powerful campaigns that generate engagement from their target market with the right message and visuals. By exploring what these successful companies have done, we can gain insight into effective strategies for our own audiences.


Video Marketing

Video marketing is a type of online marketing where you use video content to promote your products and services.


5 Video Marketing Examples from Companies doing it Right


Video marketing is an incredible way to engage with your audience and showcase your product or service in a creative and memorable way. But you don’t have to take our word for it- there are many companies that have the power of video marketing successfully.

We will share 5 examples of companies that are killing it with their video marketing strategies, so let's dive in and explore what makes these campaigns so effective!


1. Product demo video: Apple Pro Max

Product demo videos are an effective marketing tool that businesses use to showcase their products and their unique features. It's a way to let the product speak for itself, which can engage potential buyers and increase sales.



This video from Apple is an excellent example of a product demo video.

Apple's product demo video for the 14 Pro Max is an excellent example of how a company can create a compelling marketing campaign using video content. In this video, Apple introduces its latest product, the 14 Pro Max, showcasing its innovative and creative design. They demonstrate the many ways in which the phone can be used, emphasizing its high-quality camera features.

The video employs various techniques to keep the viewer engaged, such as behind-the-scenes footage that shows the process of using the phone, making the viewer feel like they are part of the team. Apple is known for its entertaining product videos, often using movie storylines to relate its products to everyday smartphone users.

While a video like this may have a high budget and special effects, businesses don't necessarily need to go all out to create an effective product demo video. The key is to have an engaging intro that encourages viewers to keep watching. Humor, surprise elements, and curiosity can all be effective ways to do this.

Businesses should also be clear in their messaging, explaining the product's unique features and benefits in a way that everyone can understand. By doing so, potential buyers are more likely to make a purchase because they understand the product's value proposition.

Overall, product demo videos are an effective marketing tool that businesses can use to showcase their products and increase sales. The success of Apple's product demo video for the 14 Pro Max is a testament to the power of video content as a marketing tool.


2. Customer testimonial video: Glen Family Lake dentistry 

Videos for marketing are great for showcasing what you have. However, customer testimonials are even better for building trust and credibility with your customers. These customer testimonial videos allow your current customers to share stories about how your products or services helped them improve their businesses.

Glen Family Lake Dentistry, as family dentistry, has a series of effective customer testimonial videos.



These videos do the same thing that customer reviews should do – they show customers talking about how the product helped them save money and/or work better. In addition, these videos are authentic reviews of a customer's experience.

What’s great about these videos is that they establish a connection with potential buyers before they buy a product. Customers can relate to others who have used the product because they too struggled with finding a reliable family dentistry like Glen Family Lake Dentistry. 

Videos are very important for any business. They can help you build trust and credibility with your audience. Your video should tell them what you do, why you're better than anyone else, and how they'll benefit from working with you. You may not know where to start when creating a video marketing strategy. 

To make your video as relatable as possible, it helps if the person being interviewed represents your target market. For example, if you're trying to sell dental insurance to dentists, interview someone who is already practicing dentistry (a dentist). You can then relate how they overcame challenges during their career path and what advice they would offer others.

Ask them how their experience with your product/service has been for them. Let them show you how they've benefitted from what you offer.


3. Behind-the-scenes video: JP Morgan

These behind-the-scenes videos offer you an opportunity to showcase your company's personality. By opening the door and letting visitors take a look inside your business, you're giving them a glimpse into your culture, your employees, and your processes.


An interview is a great way to your team's motivation and introduces your employees, and JP Morgan does that well here.



Short and sweet doesn't necessarily mean boring. Videos should be engaging, entertaining, informative, and above all - fun! So if you're planning on creating a video, make sure your staff is comfortable being filmed, and ensure you're getting creative shots that highlight the company's personality.

Also, think about how you can utilize each person's unique talents to create interesting visual effects or captivating backgrounds. When prospects meet your team and understand what motivates them, they can learn why you do what you do and this builds credibility for your business. 

This JP Morgan behind-the-scenes video is effective for recruiting talent as well. So, remember this video marketing example when thinking about how to use video for your strategy.


4. How-to Videos: HubSpot 

How-to videos are one of the most popular types of videos. People love watching these because they're easy to consume and understand. If you want to learn how to create a successful how-to video campaign, check out our blog post on the topic. 


HubSpot used Instagram Reels to show off its Business Class experience.



This kind of video is great for two things, informing the client and helping them succeed if they have a challenge using your product. This will help reduce the burden on your customer success or support team like a knowledge base. Another use for this type of video is for onboarding clients.  

When making this video you need to bear in mind how you want it to support your clients or prospects.


5. Trendy video: Virgin Airlines

The last video marketing scenario I want to discuss is trending videos. These types of videos are typically quite popular, and they're great at driving traffic to your site.

However, don't expect these opportunities to come up very frequently. Give it a shot if you've got an idea for a cool video!


Virgin Airlines used the viral “mannequin challenge” to show off its Business Class experience.



The ‘mannequin challenge’ features people frozen in position, some in awkward poses to hold for a long duration of time. What Virgin did well was blending humour with branding. While you might be amused by how silly some of these videos can get, you’re likely to see Virgin's range of services, products, offices, and branding.

Whether or not you think they’re funny, you’ll recognize them as being part of Virgin's business. While not every instance will be like the mannequin challenge, you must inject your brand into any videos you create.

Trendy videos are especially good for increasing traffic to your site because most people who participate in them are likely to share the videos with their friends and family. You can use trendy videos in your video marketing strategy.


Video marketing takeaways

Here are some additional things you might want to keep in mind when watching these videos for inspiration.


Video production equipment

You don’t need an expensive camera and complicated editing software to produce the best video ads. Smartphones shoot in high definition, while others shoot in 4k. Cell phone cameras are getting better every year, so you can create videos with an app that you or your team probably own. Free editing software is widely available if needed, and many videos, as you've noticed, can be made in one shot.

You don't need any special equipment to produce videos; however, if you want to make them look better, you may need additional software. For example, Wistia has an awesome tutorial where they explain how to use iMovie and Adobe Premiere Pro to make videos look good.


Uploading your videos

Posting your video hasn't ever been simpler! There are so many platforms where you can share what you've made for free. YouTube is a fantastic location to share what you've produced. You may additionally monitor how your video is doing through each platform's analytics tools. You're able to create live videos on various social networking sites to blend your method and interact with followers.


Get creative with your marketing videos

Most importantly, don’t be afraid to use whatever resources you have, including your staff members, to make good marketing videos for your company. No matter what kind of video you’re creating, don’t ever feel limited by an idea just because it sounds too crazy or doesn’t fit into a certain category.

Just go ahead and try something different! After all, if what you do works, then people should know about it – no matter how weird it may sound.

Don't be afraid to write down the craziest of ideas if they may help you come up with a creative solution for your business.


If you are ready to get more traffic to your site using inbound marketing strategies, contact us today!

Tumisang Bogwasi

Written By: Tumisang Bogwasi

Tumisang is a 2X award-winning entrepreneur and CEO of Fine Media, excels in driving business growth through expert inbound marketing strategies. Outside the office, he sharpens his competitive edge on the squash courts.