4 Main Types of Video

Oct 18, 2022 1:41:59 AM | Video Marketing The 4 main Types of Effective Sales Video Examples


How would you define a good sales video? Is it something that shows off your product or service? Or does it tell a story that helps customers understand why they should choose your company over competitors?

Sales videos are becoming increasingly important in today’s competitive marketplace. They provide valuable information about your company, its services, and its capabilities. Sales videos also allow potential customers to see who they’re dealing with before they commit to buying from you.

Considering that 95% of a video's message is retained, but only 10% of text and that people are 75% more likely to watch a video than read text, it's pretty obvious you need to embrace video. But there's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to the types of videos you create.


Video Marketing

Video marketing is a type of online marketing where you use video content to promote your products and services. 


Depending on the sales cycle stage, you'll want to use different kinds of sales presentations. Here are the main ones you'll want to start using right away to stay ahead of them.


  • 1-1 video: Initial outreach
  • 1-1 video: Re-engage a gone-cold contact video
  • 1-1 video: Call or meeting follow-up video
  • Produced video: A customer case study video


1. 1-1 video: Initial outreach

Outreaching isn't easy. Cold reaching is even more frustrating. Actually, 40% of salespeople confess prospect hunting is the most challenging aspect of the selling procedure. It's typically the initial time you'll contact a prospect, so it is vital to get it right and maintain their attention.

Videos are an excellent way to communicate with prospects and clients. Consider how much-wasted emails you send out every day. It could be a lot! Sales reps generally spend just over 21% of their day writing emails. That's a lot of valuable time you can claw back.

This first contact is the perfect time to show off your personality and establish a strong relationship with potential clients. Unlike an email or phone call, a video introduction is a lot more memorable than either of these methods.

However, reaching a new record without any context isn't the best way to go about things. Instead, follow these proven tips for making your first video more effective:

  • Make sure your videos fit into your sales process. Then, follow the same cadences for each video.
  • Research is key. You should do your homework before sending any outreach videos. Know who you're pitching to, what their job titles are, and what their responsibilities are. Then, make sure your message aligns with those things. Don't just throw together a generic video and hope it works. Make sure you've done your due diligence so you can hit the ground running.
  • Determine what kind of video you're creating. Is it a collection of clips? An introduction to your business? A screencast showing off an app? Whatever you decide, make sure you know how each one works so you can do them right.
  • Use a script. You don't need to write out every single thing you say, but having some kind of script helps keep you focused and on point. Think about your introduction; the value you'll promise; the reason why people should use your service; the next steps; and a thank you message for signing up.
  • Record yourself. Smile, use your own script; be genuine and brief (about 90 seconds). Don't worry if it isn't perfect; just be natural!
  • If you feel stuck with the scripting element in your video marketing content, why not start using our sales scripts? These will help you speak naturally on camera without any effort.
  • Don't forget, not every business has to be a huge Hollywood production. Most of the time, these raw one-to-one video communication type leaves an even bigger impact.


2. 1-1 video: Re-engage a gone-cold contact

Sometimes customers move through the buying process in waves or get stuck at certain points and need help. If you notice this happening with a potential customer, reach out to them again using a one-on-one video. It will increase the chance of them renewing their contract and their interest.

Send them an email or LinkedIn message with a short video attached. If you can get them to watch one of your previous videos, then you're golden!

If you study what type of content people seem to be interested in, you can create videos that focus on these subjects. A rise in engagement during the consideration phase means that you've laid the right groundwork for re-engaging them again in a friendly manner.

Make sure you back up your claims of how they can benefit from using your product/service by giving them other ideas for relevant content you have available at the time. This gives your videos more substance, which makes them more valuable.

If you don't reach out, you may never learn why the leads haven't responded. You could share your screen so that you can go through your product or whatever problem the leads were having instead of going back and forth via email.

When you send a friendly message, you're more likely than not to satisfy the previously engaged leads by answering their question sooner. If they've gone cold, this kind of message lets you bring them back with webcam videos and screen shares.


3. 1-1 Video: Call or meeting follow-up

Your prospect wants to learn more about you so they can decide if they're interested in doing business with you. Whether you've been communicating with someone for just a few weeks or many years, sending a follow-up meeting is a major step forward.

At this stage, you've already talked to them directly and learned more about their needs, concerns, and how you can help. This one-on-one video is your way of demonstrating that you listened carefully as they explained their situation.

Instead of sending a boring text-based message with bullet points, a video to follow up makes an even stronger impression.

It's sometimes difficult to tell if a text-based email is intended for you or not. However, prospects will remember your content much better when they can see your emotions and excitement in a video, which adds a personal touch.

You can also try to drop some aspects of the call or meeting into the video. If you do it online, make sure the video is recorded in a place they know. If there was a discussion or funny comment mentioned during the call, include it in the email so they don't think it's just an automated message.


When you're talking during your follow-up videos, include:

  • How these resources will solve their pain points
  • Where they can find the resources
  • A brief explanation of what each resource will offer


Link directly to the example given by the prospect during the sale call. Don't be afraid to ask for additional resources that cover related subjects.

Make sure to include links to additional resources for further reading and/or information on related topics. Showing initiative and ingenuity shows the prospect that you're willing to go above and beyond to help them out. Attention to detail shows that you care enough to provide useful information.

Sharing your computer while using it makes it easier, even better!


4. Produced video: A customer case study

The previous video types are all about keeping things simple, short, and straightforward, so they don't need to worry about anything too complicated. It makes sense because if they get bogged down by something small, they won't be able to focus on delivering their main message quickly.

Now, it's time to share your well-produced content in the form of high-quality, visual case study content. This is an effective way to attract new clients and drive sales. It's also a lot more personal than text-based content, which makes it hard to create using conventional methods.

Videos are more persuasive than written content because they allow people to see things for themselves. They're also more entertaining since viewers tend to be more interested in watching something rather than reading about it.

Video is better than text for most people because 72% of people prefer to watch videos rather than read text.

There's another reason why you should use video testimonials. It helps create an emotional bond between you and your prospects. Emotions subconsciously drive 95% (or even more) of all decision-making. So using video testimonials is an excellent way to connect emotionally with your prospects.

Video case studies are also versatile. They're useful for any number of things including video editing, creating content for social media, and so on.

Tumisang Bogwasi

Written By: Tumisang Bogwasi

Tumisang is a 2X award-winning entrepreneur and CEO of Fine Media, excels in driving business growth through expert inbound marketing strategies. Outside the office, he sharpens his competitive edge on the squash courts.